
Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to a secured by design blockchain adoption.

This is the way to:

Develop your security skills

Get a job

Assess your security

Protect your investments

Spain (SP) info AT blockchainwhitehackers DOT com

Incluso los mejores White Hackers utilizan herramientas para ser más efectivos encontrando vulnerabilidades tanto por velocidad como por profundidad. Eso si, deberás saber filtrar los falsos positivos y encontrar los falsos negativos.

Si, debes saber «Programar» y muy bien. La buena noticia es que esto se puede aprender con un buen mentor.


«Piensa diferente».

Los «Skills» de Pentester o Red Team son básicos para cualquier White Hacker. Con dedicación y ayuda de expert@s puedes hacerlo. Con dichos skills podrás optar a escalar en rankings como el de Immunefi bug bounties hall of fame .


Uno de los «Skills» más demandados por su escasez es la capacidad de «Defensa», esto es la Prevención, Protección, Respuesta y Mitigación ante incidentes. Tu valor en el mercado será proporcional a tu diferenciación y este es muy importante.


En Blockchain cambia totalmente el paradigma de Ciberseguridad. No solo debes contar con Skills de «Hacking Ético» sino que además debes contar con Skills de «Finanzas» para poder encontrar las vulnerabilidades más peligrosas en cuanto al impacto económico. Ser «Multidisciplinar» es ahora un requisito para ser un/@ White Hacker.

About Us & Our Work

Get to know us

We are Security Researchers with more than 20 years of experience in cybersecurity as well as former Chief Security Officers of «un-hacked» Blockchain DeFi protocols.

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Control room

Our mission is to accelerate the world’s transition to a secured by design blockchain adoption.


We envision real economic freedom for all by using real decentralized trustless «secure» applications.


Our values are and will always be based on ethics and integrity. We will do our best to inspire all hackers to hack and innovate for good as well as we will take care of as much retail users as we could to raise their awareness to the safest level possible.
In addition to this, we will contribute 10% of our business income and time for charity either by direct donation or pro-bono services.

Our Skills & Expertise

What we’re good at

We believe that the world is very small, especially in the security industry. We almost know each other. For that reason it is well known that our skills & expertise are based on the following main pillars:

Ethics & Integrity 0

Technical Skills 0

Strategy, Vision & Executive Management 0

Improve your skills, get paid as instructor or get a job


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Quotes & Testimonials

What they said

We know that you want to see what others think about working with us, and you know what? It is legit and quite normal. For that reason we will be updating this section with the most relevant testimonials that could have been in the same situation as you are today. We know that it will help you to better understand if we can or we can´t help you.

Testimonial 2

"Professionalism & creative approach"

We had a great time working with you, and we really appreciate your professionalism and approach.

-O. Finance

Testimonial 1

"Amazing work"

I never saw such an in-depth DD in crypto. Amazing work 🙏


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